Over the weekend, John and I went to the Kansas State Fair with his parents and younger siblings. It’s been kind of a tradition for them since his dad gets free tickets through work, which includes a complimentary lunch. Free food, score!
Around the table that’s John, Clark, little Bethany, Abby, Philip [abby’s bf], Alex and Anna.
We went to the lunch first and then wandered around the fair, mostly following the kids and taking pictures as we went. By the end of the day I’d taken nearly 250 pictures. Whoops.
I guess there were 250 pictures worth of exciting things happening. That’s my justification anyways.
Lunch was buffet style and I swiped up some bbq brisket, cheesy potatoes, a mountain of green beans, some fruit which I didn’t eat much of, and a roll. It was all tasty and filling and just what I needed since I’d skipped breakfast in anticipation of eating a lot throughout the course of the day. Which I did.
I took a few more pictures during lunch before we dispersed to roam the fair grounds.
We spotted the Gubnah!
Kansas Governor Sam Brownback’s customized belt. I wasn’t going for the tush, I swear. I was going for the belt, which is pretty rad if you ask me. If I could wear a belt with my name on it I probably would. Don’t hate.
John’s dad and the governor having a chat post lunch.
Lori and I spotted two awkwardly thin and deformed toy ponies doing a salute in the window overhead. Not sure what kid would want to play with these. That’s probably why they’re now window decor.
John chatting with one of his dad’s friends from work.
Lori, right before we spotted the awkward ponies.
Right around this time I think I also swiped a mini apple turnover for John and I to split. But I didn’t take a picture of it because I ate so much sugar that if I documented it you’d all point at me and shout ‘glutton, glutton! fatty mcfatty face!” and then laugh.
And that’s mean so don’t do that.
Next came the fair buildings, which had of tons of people, lots of vendors, demonstrators and free samples. It was mostly fun just watching the kids stuff tons of things into their complimentary bags like free pencils, magnets and fake tattoos.
John and Philip rubbing elbows with fellow Kansans, like double suspender guy.
Bethany hopped on the ‘wiggle cars,’ which were odd. You just wiggled the steering wheel back and forth and the friction caused them to move forward. I was kind of jealous they only had infant size and I couldn’t have a ride one myself…
Too bad they were like $69. I’m sure you’ll be able to find these at garage sales for 5 bucks in about 6 months. Just sayin’.
Anna joined the fun, too. Once again, I was jealous. Big kids don’t have any fun. I’m convinced.
Then I got my wedding ring cleaned by the woman with the world’s most jewelry on 10 fingers. She also had a cast, which I can only assume became necessary after years of polishing jewelry.
note: don’t become a jewelry polisher.
A toothbrush. Only the world’s best equipment was involved.
And then I had a shiny, polished wedding back on my finger. Don’t worry. I kept close watch to make sure she didn’t switch out my real diamond with a fakey.
You just can’t trust those fair people. Shifty, if you ask me.
Weird demonstrator guy that shouted, ‘Hey! Am I going to be in the newspaper now?” To which I replied, “uh, no” and walked off.
A lady on one of those shake machines that literally just shakes your body around and claims to ‘solve all your body’s problems.’ Uh, ya right. Not for 2-thow.
“PEEEAAAA-NUTS! Get your PEEA-NUTS!!” That’s what I wanted to say.
Worms! Is it wrong that I still like these although I’m not no longer 7 years old?
Super cool trendy purses!! [or, not]
Mohawk boy with crack on a stick.
Demonstrator showing eager passersby how to change their lives with a mixed drink concoction that apparently involved Lipton iced tea, a Starbucks drink and a can of Coors.
Lori got her rings cleaned too, by a slightly less creepy guy than the lady I encountered.
I caught Abby and Phillip off guard. Hee hee. They didn’t even see it comin’.
Salsa stand. Ole!
Kansas farmer essentials stand.
Giant gum ball machine!
Confession: Bethany and I both got excited and asked for a quarter from dad at the same time.
She’s 6. I’m 25. Can you say, EMBARRASSING?
Cutie : )
The honey stand!
We all got a honey stick.
Flavor breakdown.
Philip: clover.
John: sour apple.
Alex: I don’t know.
Bethany: sour cherry.
Me: blackberry.
Mine was obviously the best choice. Obviously.
But Bethany had the most fun at this activity.
Told ya.
Next was the agriculture building, which features all of the state’s TOP produce like giant ears of corn, perfectly symmetrical squashes, and beautiful bushels of milo.
And a giant wheat fountain!
What other state can boast a giant wheat fountain? NONE. That’s why we’re superior.
There were lots of interesting fair folk, like this old timer who apparently didn’t want his picture taken.
And this guy holding a stop sign, for….?
And these policemen who were pulling people over for walking too fast. [I keed, I keed.]
And this guy who was either a fair enthusiast or worker. I couldn’t really tell since he didn’t seem to be doing anything of great importance besides cutting through a field.
We did lots of walking around, gawking at rides and obscene amounts of fair food.
Cookies the size of your head that apparently come by the half dozen!
An entire garden dedicated to just beer consumption!
Funnel cakes in about 20 flavors, including red velvet cake and kool aid! Weeeee!
The Funnel Cake I really wanted. a.k.a. death on a plate.
The funnel cake I actually got : ) Awwwwwoooghghghg, it was delicious.
John and Alex sneaking off for a Pronto Pup, which I happily got a bite of. {grins}
Turkey leg stand, which I managed to avoid. My arteries thanked me for it later by not going into cardiac arrest.
Root beer stand.
We ordered 1 regular and 1 giant size. What did we get? Two regular size, one of which was sugar free.
The attendant was apparently hard of hearing or apathetic. We couldn’t tell which.
Alex played the bowling ball game and apparently spent $5 only to win a tiny stuffed tiger, which Bethany carried around on her shoulder the rest of the fair only to leave it in the driveway once we got home.
Classic Shultz family move.
One of my favorite parts of the fair? Watching these little girls shreek “EEEEEEEEEHH” every time the ride took its short 20 foot plummet to the ground.
We were all nearly in tears watching by the time their ride was up. Too cute.
Fudge stand, which we managed to pass up because I had my mind on ONE thing.
Ice cream.
Three gallons of it.
Kansas State University had a stand featuring their famous “Call Hall” ice cream, and John, Clark, Bethany and I indulged in a few scoops.
Bethany got a single scoop of chocolate. Does she get any cuter?
And I opted for 1 scoop of cookies n cream and 1 scoop of strawberry cheesecake. Despite its odd appearance, it didn’t disappoint.
Bethany spent a good 20 minutes working on her cone before handing it off to dad to finish off. That thing was huge! I don’t blame her.
This kid was giving it a good effort, too. He deserved a medal for the fair’s biggest ice cream beard/mustache thing.
I spotted the fair’s most hydrated employee! 10 points!
Then there were the rides, which we didn’t do because the lines were so long.
Plus, I hate spinny rides. They make me sick in like 20 seconds flat, no lie.
They should rename this one the ‘lose your lunch in 10 seconds or less’ chair.
Pretty sure that’s what would happen if I rode it.
And that about does it! There were more photos of oddball people I found and food we ate but I think I’ve already shared enough for one post. Ya think?
After the fair we piled into our cars, grabbed a coffee at Starbucks, and then headed home to relax for the evening.
I resigned to reading Book 2 of the Hunger Games Trilogy – Catching Fire – which I’m about halfway through and LOVING.
And John took a bath and tried to stave off an allergy attack he’d been enduring all day. Allergies are in full force this time of year and we’re both feeling the weight of it.
And that was it! We headed home the next day and had a pizza party that night while re-watching some episodes of The Office. It was a grand way to bring the weekend to the close.
Tell me!
How was your weekend?
Did you go to your state fair this year? Why or why not?
Favorite fair food: FUNNEL CAKES.
10 points goes to the commenter with the most interesting answer. GO.
See you soon!
ciao babies. xo. dana.
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