NAKED Juice Fans…you are in luck..NAKED is introducing a brand new line of juice…they call it Power Garden. Each bottle has an entire pound of veggies (and fruit) in them! The two new flavors are called Berry Veggie and Tomato Kick. My personal favorite between the two was Berry Veggie because as you know, I am a huge fan of purple veggies/fruit and that is literally what this flavor is made up of…a big mix of all of my favorites!
I love that they incorporated chick-peas into the ingredient line-up. Never have I ever been able to say that I drank chick-peas…or corn for that matter! This flavor was sweet tasting and you’d never know it was jam packed with veggies. To get down to the nitty gritty, here’s exactly what’s in it: 15 cherries, 6.5 strawberries, 1.5 purple carrots, .33 red beets, .125 sweet potatos, 91 kernels of sweet corn, 18 chick peas, .25 plums, and .2 apple .
The second flavor is called Tomato Kick.
As part of this campaign, I was asked to create a recipe using one of the two flavors for their Pinterest Sweepstakes Contest. Come back and visit FFF on Monday the 17th for more info on how you can enter the sweepstakes as well
I of course used Berry Veggie, my preferred flavor between the two. I figured I’d show you how I prefer to drink any flavor NAKED Juice…I call it a Naked Spritzer.
Berry Veggie Naked Spritzer
- 1 ounce of Power Garden Berry Veggie Naked Juice
- 6 ounces sparkling water
- Squeeze of lime
Mix all ingredients together and enjoy cold!
I love adding a little bubbly to NAKED juice. It keeps the amazing flavor, just lightens it up a bit. Plus, it makes the bottle last longer
Last, but not least. Click on the image below to ge a $1.00 off coupon to try Naked’s 2 newest flavors!
Power Garden is Naked Juice’s new veggie drink lineup with 1lb. of veggies in every bottle*. With delicious flavors that only Naked could blend, Power Garden offers one of the easiest ways to get your daily servings of veggies and fruits, along with good sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Learn more HERE. *weight of vegetables, prior to juicing
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Naked via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Naked
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