I have a few for yah:1) NUT BUTTER
So, about those munchy crunchy almonds I made yesterday, I may or may not have pulverized them into a smooth and creamy paste today.
Actually, I have a little secret for you. My original intent was to make to make Maple Cinnamon Almond Butter, BUT I completely ignored the fact that I had raw almonds instead of toasted. I attempted to whirl my almonds, maple syrup, and cinnamon in my food processor and it just wouldn’t process. For some reason, raw almond are too soft to process? Anyways, that’s when I had the ingenious idea to make maple toasted almonds Those guys were fun for a couple days, but lezz face it, nothing beats nut butter
I used 1.5 C of Maple Toasted Almonds and was able to fill my jar about 1/3 of the way.
Drippy, deliciousness.
On to a more exciting part of my day…Afternoon workout! Normally, I skip Tuesday workouts because I have to get up early for my internship and then have to go right to class. As you know, I am a morning worker outer (don’t mind my poor grammar), so it is difficult for me to motivate myself to workout after a 10ish hour day. Today on the other hand, the sister and I scheduled a little destination run before dinner due to the GLORIOUS weather here in Minne. Can’t pass up a beautiful day of sunshine.
Our destination was Seward Co-op. We didn’t actually buy anything, but we did Ooo and Ahh over their AMAZING hot bar. Pretty nerdy? Nahhh, not as nerdy as the sister running in glasses
If you live in the cities and have never been to Seward, you are missing out BIG TIME. Their bulk section is phe.nomenal. Although they are a bit pricey, it is nice to treat yourself to a little something special every once in a while.
Heck yes, I am taking the night off from anything that requires thoughts. AKA I have no homework. Maybe I will download some of the awesome music you guys suggested from the other day.
PS—> I am going to need a bit more convincing on this whole WordPress thing. Can I get some pros and cons?
Are you a morning, afternoon, or night “worker outer?”
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