![[fajita spiced popcorn] & [banana talk]](https://1stphormprotein.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/4169-DSC_0905.jpg)
You ask for budget friendly, I give you budget friendly! This recipe my dears, costed me like $0.25 to make, not even! If you think about it, a pound of popcorn kernels in the bulk section is roughly $1.69. A serving of popcorn, unpopped, is about 1/4C. I’m too lazy to do the math so I relied on Google for this, but let’s just say that for every one pound of popcorn there’s about 1.62 cups of unpopped popcorn. If you divide cost/cups ($1.69/1.62) you get roughly a $1.00 for ever 1 cup of popcorn kernals. Then, divide that by 4 (if you use 1/4C as your serving) and bam…$0.25.
That’s like a gumball. Or 1.5 bananas…(fun fact: when it comes to money I relate everything to bananas. Like if I’m about to purchase a shirt for $40 (which is ridiculous) I always convert it into “banana talk.” ie: That $40 shirt is worth 210 bananas)
Did you follow? Didn’t think so. I don’t blame you, math isn’t necessarily my forte.
Anyways, what I’m trying to say is that popping your own popcorn and adding spices you already have is a HUGE money saver! I’ve been missing out. I know I’ve talked about Penzeys Spices before, and that I’m pretty obsessed. Fajita Seasoning is BY FAR my favorite spice. Fajita Seasoning + popcorn = zing.
Fajita Spiced Popcorn
-1/4C unpopped popcorn
-1t fajita seasoning (or to taste)
-olive oil/water
1. Using the stove top method (or any other method for that matter), pop ~1/4C of unpopped popcorn kernels.
2. Transfer freshly popped popcorn into a large Tupperware. Then, either using an olive oil mister thing or a spray bottle with water (janky? hah!), coat your popcorn. This part is done so that the spices will stick.
3. Sprinkle on spices and toss.
*NOTE: I am all about the non-fat popcorn, which is why I don’t pop my popcorn in any sort of butter or oil. I used water to give my popcorn moisture, so that the spices would stick. If you pop you popcorn in oil, you won’t have to worry about this part!*
Not going to lie, at first I used a little too much fajita seasoning. I didn’t realize that when consumed in a condensed form, fajita seasonings would be very spicy. AKA I torched my mouth.
I need some more flavoring ideas for my popcorn. What sorts of spices do you put on yours?
Do you do something similar to my “banana talk?”
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