Cutting-edge Feminine Thermo-lipolytic Formula
Bliss™ is the most advanced fat-burning thermogenic ever created specifically for women!
We understand that dieting to lose weight can be extremely frustrating for women. Carb cravings, sluggishness, monthly hormone swings and mother nature all add unnecessary mental and physical stress for you when working towards your goals. Bliss™ is about to become your new best friend! Not only is Bliss unlike any weight loss product you’ve ever tried before, this metabolism boosting, appetite-crushing fat burner is unlike anything ever made, and most importantly… it is formulated specifically with women like us in mind!
As a woman, our bodies are genetically geared to store body fat in unkind places. As they say… from our lips to our hips! Without regular exercise and healthy eating habits, extra inches simply aren’t going to disappear on their own. Bliss is your little secret when it comes to fighting that stubborn metabolism, monthly hormone induced mood swings with water retention, and overactive appetite. Bliss’s LipoPulse Matrix™ contains ingredients that have been university-proven to release and eliminate stored body fat by increasing how many calories your body uses each day. Eliminate excess water weight as well as kill the salty and sweet cravings you find yourself reaching for with the help of the precise blend of appetite suppressing ingredients found in Bliss.
The exclusive Bliss Fusion™ will stack the deck in your favor when it comes to managing weight loss issues that only women like us face, such as depression, mood swings, hot flashes, excess water weight and even menopause. DynaCharge Complex™ is Bliss’s final gift to you; A clearer, more focused and alert state of mind to help give you that extra ‘oomph’ when it comes to getting thru your hectic days!
When used in combination with regular exercise, plenty of water and a nutritious meal plan Bliss will help you experience results beyond your wildest dreams! For maximum weight loss results take Bliss along with Thyro-Drive® and Downtime PM™ to help naturally balance thyroid hormone production and reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol.
Real results… that you’ve earned through hard work and a little help from your new best friend, Bliss!*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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