White Chocolate Strawberry Protein Smoothie
Are you ready for my favorite smoothie of all time? (okay, that may be a stretch,,,,but, this one is up there!)
I call this White Chocolate Strawberry Protein Smoothie. It is a mixture of frozen strawberries and banana, Designer Whey White Chocolate Protein Powder, and Almond Milk. For the full recipe, click HERE.

As you know, I do a lot of my grocery shopping at Target. I always keep my eye out for their giant bags of frozen fruit… strawberry banana in particular. That’s what I use to make my smoothies.

I’m not sure if I’ve told you about my partnership with Designer Whey/Fitfluential yet. I am excited to join the DW team as a recipe creator! I will/am be providing them with 2 recipes per month featuring their product inside of yummy recipes.
Yes, it’s paid, and yes I love their product. I just thought you should know.

I’ll be hibernating inside all day (working form home) because of storm Saturn. A 35 mile commute in 6 inches of snow is fun…NOT. I reallllly hope this is the last of our winter shenanigans here in Minneapolis. I’m ready for some sunshine!!!
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