…minus the sub-zero and Winter part….
Excuse my French but…HOLY SHIiTacke Mushrooms. No wonder why I hate Winter. -16 degrees. “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
Here I thought walking to class today was painful! You may need to come chisel me free on Friday because I might freeze into an ice sculpture. Maybe they’ll cancel class!!! Nah…
Okok enough complaining. I am sure you are dying for some updates. 1) I have epically failed my 28-day challenge 2) I surprisingly miss the suburbs…or maybe just a warm house and good food. and my mommy. 3) I couldn’t be happier with my class schedule! Guys, I am finally taking classes that really interest me. Here’s the low down….
Jour4272- Interactive Advertising
Jour4551- New Media and Culture
PubH3001- Personal and Community Health
PubH3639- Prevention in Public Health
Span3104W-Intro to the Study of Hispanic Literatures
So I know what you’re thinking. What is this girl majoring in? Well. I am currently in the process of writing a proposal for an individualized major. I always joked around that I wanted to graduate with 9 minors instead of one major because I can’t just choose one! My degree is called The Bachelor of Individualized Study and I have three concentrations: Public Health, Design Studies, and Spanish Studies. Hence my choice of classes.
The only thing I am not excited for this semester is….I have another night class Not 1, but 2 days a week! Tonight in fact, was my first night of class! Once it starts getting lighter earlier in the night it won’t be so bad. So, tonight after pretty much running home from class and almost face planting on a slick patch of ice…I needed a snacky snack. “I scream you scream we all scream for FRO-YO.”
While nothing beats the real thing, DIY fro-yo is healthy and cheap. You get at least 1 serving if not more of fruit! AND you can make it pennies!
Blueberry Nanner Fro-Yo
-1 frozen banana
-1/3C frozen blueberries
-2 splashes of milk (I used Vanilla Almond)
–Directions: Combine all ingredients in a small food processor and mix for 1-2 minutes. You may need to stop it a few times to scrape the sides. You know it is ready when it is light and fluffy!
I threw some raisins and carob chips on top! Other delicious toppings I suggest are fresh fruit, nuts, chocolate chips, coconut, or granola!
Lets face it. Bananas will forever be one of the most economically priced fruits so we might as well take advantage of this! Right now they are around 39 cents per pound, but during the summer months it drops below a quarter. Don’t feel bad if you splurge and buy 9 bananas. Just freeze some for later! They are the perfect fruit for fro-yo because of their natural sweetness; there really is no need for added sugar.
Benefits of The Banana
-Great source of potassium- helps normalize heartbeats and regularize water balance
-Low in sodium
-Great source of iron
-Ideal source of natural sweetness
-High in vitamin B6 and B12
-Contains a natural antacid-Great for heartburn relief
-High in fiber- Help regulate movement through digestive tract
See. I told yah bananas are almost as amazing as peanut butter. The two together are unstoppable.
What is your favorite banana recipe?
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