puffed buckwheat cereal
Superbowl weekend!!!!
I have to admit, I am a terrible fan. I have watched almost zero football this season and it just so happens Rodgers and the boys are going to the Superbowl! I’m feeling some huge stats on the views of this game.
I guess you could say I am more excited about the fact that this weekend gives me an excuse to cook
haha. The sis and I have some deliciousness planned for tomorrow’s fiesta!
First. check this out.
That is homemade puffed cereal! I got the idea from Ashley who blogs at Edible Perspective. I never would have guessed that grains can pop, just like popcorn! This oober doober tiny grain is called Amaranth and I got it from Whole Foods. You also find it at your local co-op (I am not sure about chain grocery stores).

Here is a better perspective to see how small these guys actually are!
How to pop Amaranth?
So what you do…is heat a medium sized sauce pan to medium high heat (you don’t want it too high or it will burn). Make sure you have your lid ready because these babies go flying! I popped about 2T of Amaranth at a time. I shook the pot back and fourth to prevent burning, while the grains popped for about 15-20 sec (or until the popping abruptly comes to a stop). I burnt the first 4 batches…oops.
To add some flava flav to this puffed greatness, I mixed in ~1T carob powder and 1t cinnamon per every 1/3C of dry Amaranth.
You can make this into more of a trail mix by adding different nuts and dried fruit, or you can simply use it as a topping for oats!

Breakfast was 1/5C rolled oats, 1/5C oat bran, 1/2 banana, chia seed meal, and cinnamon. I topped this massive bowl of oats with 1/2 banana, peanut flour sauce, homemade peanut butter, raisins, and popped Amaranth!
Word on the street is that other grains pop just like Amaranth. I am going to have to test this out. Quinoa? Millet?
Speaking of Millet. I was at a local co op yesterday in St. Paul and I saw a bag of Puffed Millet Cereal, so I know it works! I also saw this…

Which as you can see, I purchased. Garbanzo bean flour. intriguing. I have been researching different recipes all morning. Mwwahahaha. Okay really, I’m like a 5 year old. Really I am. I had a little accident this morning. With my French Press.

As you can see, I am a terrible multitasker. Pooring + Photography = FAIL FAIL FAIL. Though I have mastered chewing gum and walking at the same time.
Okay! I am late for a date with the sister! We goin’ to get our yoga on at CorePower.
Have you ever used Garbanzo Bean Flour? If so, do you have any good recipes or ideas?
Who are you rooting for this weekend?
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