Leftover BBQ Chicken Salad
I’ve been without a microwave for about 3 weeks now.
It has broken and been fixed 3 times now.
I tell yah. Life is a lot harder without a microwave. Every time we get really excited to defrost a piece of meat, we realize we can’t because we don’t have a microwave that works. Or- when I just want to heat some water to throw a tea bag in. WHOMP.
I do have to say. I’ve learned to be patient over the past three weeks because making stuff on the stoves takes a lot longer (but sometimes it’s worth it!)
- Stovetop oats…so much better than microwaved
- Air popped popcorn…on the stove is so much better.
- Tea…by heating water on the stove. Oh, and I heated up yesterday’s coffee (is that gross?).
- Leftover stir fry from the night before
The list goes on!
Today’s recipe has nothing to do with reheating food. It actually has to do with cold food. And to more of less rub in the face of my microwave that I DON’T NEED HER.

I love cold leftovers.
Especially grilled chicken and corn.
Blake and I have been making giant salads with our leftover meat- chicken, steak, shrimp. You name it we’ve done it! Then we mix in lots of stuff like sliced fruit, almonds, goat cheese my favorite salad dressing (which I used in this recipe)…really whatever we have on hand.
It’s bomb.
And cold.
And tasty.

Side note: I am a huge fan of mixing sweet and salty. Like BBQ chicken and poppyseed dressing,

Rant over.
But seriously. This chicken turned out really good. We usually dry rub our chicken breast on the grill, but Blake used a BBQ sauce called Bone Suckin’ Sauce.
I wish I had a photo of the full chicken breast because they had the most perfect grill marks. I don’t know how he does it. #GrillWizard
Last but not least. Some shameless self promotion. I have been putting of a legit newsletter and blog subscription email. WELL IT’S HERE! Subscribe via email and never miss a recipe!
So who wants to join me in the EAT COLD FOOD MOVEMENT?
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