Browsing: Healthy dinner recipe

I wish I lived in a place where produce was lush all year round. Where I could go to the farmer’s market and purchase a GIANT bundle of colorful tomatoes for $2.00. Where I could eat my face off in green beans and green peppers.  Is that too much for a girl to ask!? I

It’s time to break out the crock-pot. Throw some stuff in the pot. Flip the switch. And walk away. This beautiful recipe actually comes from my girlfriend Linley. One day last week she came over and we both worked. She had to make a crock-pot dish to bring to a pot-luck function at her church

Creativity is one of those things that can’t be forced. Some of my favorite recipes happen on a whim…like my Black Bean Quinoa Chili. Absolutely no planning at all.  I got inspiration for today’s recipe from Oh My Veggies while browsing Pinterest. Her Tortilla Pie popped up…Enough said. I new I didn’t have all of

This post is sponsored by Pacific Natural Foods. I was provided product and compensated. All opinions are my own. One Pot Sundays is back…because it’s…Sunday! If your house is anything like mine, meat is almost always a must at dinner (thank you Blake!). I think he is enjoying this series too because I’ve gotten really

Vegetarians…meat haters…this one is for you! Today I went with a one pot dish that has to of my all time favorite foods- sweet potato and quinoa to make a delicious vegetarian gratin packed with protein thanks to the quinoa. What is gratin you ask? According to Wikipedia… “gratin is when an ingredient is topped with