I got home from work today with every intention of taking a 5:30 C2 at Corepower Edina…and ended up falling asleep on the couch for 2 hours. For some reason I have not been able to catch up on sleep since my trip out west. I’m sure it doesn’t help that I’ve been teaching 6AMs twice a week since I got back. Still, you would think that I’d be able to recoop on the weekends, but apparently my body has forgotten how to sleep in! I get really excited on the weekends because that is my time to actually have time to do things, so I wake up at the crack of dawn. I guess I can’t complain- I take full advantage of my weekends!
I wanted to thank you all for taking the time to comment on yesterday’s post where I asked your feedback on what you want to see on FFF. I’ve had this workout sitting in draft for a while because I was unsure if you guys wanted to read about my workouts. Turns out, you do! I am really excited about that and I am hoping to make a WOD page and start tracking all of my workouts. That is on my to do list for next week (my first week working part time at Anytime!).
Now that I am teaching 4-5 times/week, I’ve sort of nixed any sort of cardio (running and intervals) because the yoga sculpt class that I teach is low weight, high rep with a fusion of plyometrics and cardio, hence why count it as a cardio workout. So- I’ve been trying to lift heavy at least twice a week. This usually happens on the weekends. Saturday is upper body and Sunday is lower body. Here’s a lower body workout that I’ve been doing consistently for a few weeks now. I try and warm up with 10-15 minutes on the stair stepper or with burpees if I’m in the mood 🙂
I enjoy doing super sets because I feel like my workout is more organized and I know there is an end. When I do a superset workout, I usually try and fit in at least 4 different supersets, 5 if I have enough time. If I am feeling really energized, I will try and incorporate a plyometric movement in each superset. This gets your heart rate up and makes you sweat! In the above workout I only did 2 plyometric exercises: Hit the Floor and S-S Hops. These are both taken from insanity. Thank you Sean T.
Alright, I need to go tuck myself into bed 🙂
Good night!
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