perfect warm weather breakfast
When it’s already 85 degrees and the humidity is at 1,046% by the time I wake up, I couldn’t ask for a better breakfast.

Cool, refreshing, and delicious. If you haven’t converted from hot oats to overnight oats, I HIGHLY recommend it for days like today. I am not really sure what has been up with midwestern weather lately- but it just BIZARRE. We really haven’t had a happy medium- it’s either cold and rainy or hot and muggy. Nonetheless, the sun is out so should stop complaining.
perfect warm weather breakfast- overnight oats ingredients
- 1/3C rolled oatmeal
- 1/2t ground cinnamon
- 1/2t vanilla extract
- 1C water or milk
- Toppings: 1/2 sliced banana, 4-5 sliced cherries, 2T Kashi Go Lean Crunch, ~1T peanut butter
- In a tupperware, mix together 1/3C oats, cinnamon, vanilla extract, and 2/3C water.
- Microwave on high for 2 minutes.
- Stir in an additional 1/3C water and cover. Store in the refrigerator overnight or for a couple of hours prior to consumption.

I nuked my peanut butter to give it a drippy consistency. I like to do this so I can get some peanut butter in every bite. It also helps with presentation.

Random Factoid: In high school I was really into wheel throwing and ceramics. I took AP art my last two years of school and at one point- wanted to be a potter. I would make bowl after bowl after bowl. Good thing I kept them all Yup, I made this bowl- circa 2007. I wish I had time to get back into it. I remember spending hours in the studio during high school. It was like my own little sanctuary.
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What else- I’m in Milwaukee! I think I forgot to share that with you. I am home for the 4th of July. In my opinion, there is no better place to spend the 4th than at home with my family. I love the food, atmosphere, and Summerfest! Guess where I’m going tonight? Yup, THE JASON MRAZ/GUSTER CONCERT! Okay, I am Guster’s number 1 fan. I see them every year at Summerfest and wasn’t going to miss out this year. Plus, they are opening for Jason Mraz. *yes please* So I will leave you with this-
Oats- hot or cold?
Are you going to any concerts this summer?