Homemade Apple Cinnamon Granola
I did a serious amount of homework this weekend. When I say serious, I mean serious. Paper writing isn’t my forte (writing in general isn’t), and I spent a good 10+ hours writing papers. My brain is more fried than KFC.
Anyways during one of my study breaks, I started looking through some of my older posts on FFF. LOL. Holy awkward turtle with a camera.

When I first started blogging, I was using just a digital camera. I apparently had no idea that aesthetics are extremely important when it comes to food photography. My oatmeal looks like mush and that fajita stir fry…eek. Just look what a year of practice + a Nikon D300 DSLR can do…
Pomegranate Parfait

Healthified chocolate chip cookies

Caprese Quinoa Salad

Overnight Oats

Anyways, I am excited about today’s recipe. Homemade granola is seriously one of the easiest things to make! I love it because I can make sure it’s gluten free and gage what kind of ingredients are being used! A lot of sore bought granola has hidden ingredients in them with lots of added sugar and sodium. Not this stuff…

Ingredients for Homemade Apple Cinnamon Granola
- 1/2 Dried Apples, chopped
- 2-3 Cups of Rolled Oatmeal (certified gf)
- 1/3C Sunflower Seeds
- 2T Flaxseed Meal
- 1/2C Chopped Walnuts
- 1/4C Honey
- 1/4C EVOO
- 1/2T Cinnamon
- 1t Salt
1. Mix dry ingredients together in a large bowl, then pour on honey and EVOO. Toss.
2. Line a large baking pan with parchment paper and evenly spread out granola mixture.
3. Bake at 350 for about 20-25 minutes.
*Make sure you toss your granola every 5-7 minutes to make sure it bakes evenly!

Throw some of this stuff on top of some Blood Orange Chobani and #nom. Speaking of Chobani, I got a very generous package from them in the mail this week!

I received Blood Orange (my fav), Apple Cinnamon, and Passion Fruit. How would you feel about a Chobani Giveaway in the near future??
That’s what I thought.
What did you do this weekend?
Is photography one of your passions too? What kind of Camera do you have?