Lower Calorie Oatmeal Rasin PB Balls
I can’t believe I haven’t used raisins in any of my ball recipes yet.
It’s weird…whenever I see a recipe that has raisins in it, I automatically classify it as healthy. Like Oatmeal Raisin Cookies or Fruit Cake. It just sounds healthy, but is it?
Now that I got my random thought of the day out there, I wanted to make a pb ball that didn’t have as many calories as my typical ball. You don’t really need THAT much honey to sweeten things, so I halved it and substituted the rest for h20.

Honestly, the balls stuck better with half water AND tasted just as good!
Lower Calorie Oatmeal Raisin PB Balls
Yields: 12-13 balls (mine made 13)
- 1C oats ground into oat flour
- 1/4C peanut butter, smooth
- 1/8C honey
- 1/8C water
- 1/3C raisins
- In a small food processor, process oats for 15-20 seconds, turning your oats in to oat flour.
- Add the rest of your ingredients and process for about a minute, or until it becomes doughy. (You may need to add a squirt more of honey (or even water to save calories) if it is still too dry.)
- Using a small cookie scoop, scoop out the dough and role between your palms forming a ball.

75 Calories | 3g Fat | 11g Carbs | 2.2g Protein

Alright I’m going to go play with my iphone 5
Also…you should totally follow Anytime Fitness on Instagram…I may or may not be instamgrammin’ on behalf of AF!
Happy Hump Day!