Blackberry Almond Baked Oatmeal
Are you sick of my oatmeal posts yet? Didn’t think so. Fun fact: The reason I got hooked on healthy living blogs way back when was because of Kath’s oatmeal. That’s just the truth. She helped me rediscover my love for oats and explore ways to make it fun (and pretty). If you’ve never checked out her Ode to Oats Page…I highly recommend it!
I woke up Friday morning in an extremely peppy mood and decided I was going to bring an oatmeal bake into work. I used the exact same recipe as THIS, but used blackberries instead of mix berries!

I love when the berries bleed into the bake. Serious #nom

Pretty sure I got the thumbs up on this recipe because I left work with an empty pan!

I think if I had to choose one meal that I was going to eat for the rest of my life, it would be oatmeal bake topped with Chobani and drizzled with peanut butter. However, last night’s dinner would definitely be in my top 5…Blake and I stayed in and made a semi-homemade dinner.
We picked up a rotisserie chicken and stir fried a bunch of fresh veggies including brussel sprouts, green beans, onions, and mushrooms. The fact that Blake likes vegetables makes me happy.

It’s something about rotisserie chicken that I just love. Maybe it’s the convenience of not having to cook the chicken? My favorite way to eat it is with a little bit of honey drizzled on top.

Anyways, this is going to be one heck of a crazy week. Tests, Papers, Midterms..EEK. Good thing Spring Break starts on Friday. Did I mention I am visiting the sister in Boulder for a long weekend? She gives me an excuse to go to Colorado at any chance I have. I can not wait to see her, I mish her :/Happy Sunday!