Red White and Blue Oatcakes
I just wanted to clarify that these are also known as Wild Raspberry Oatcakes, but for the sake of the 4th of July…Red, White, and Blue Oatkcakes it is!
These pancakes were handcrafted by my friend Linley and yours truly! I’ve talked about Linley quite a bit on the blog, but I wanted to give a little background info on how Lin and I became friends!
Lin has been one of my dearest friends since I was a freshman in college. We met on the first day of classes my freshman year in Geology; it was friendship at first sight. Literally. We were both lost on our way to class and just so happened to bump into each other. Instant friends.
Lin and I grew to become very close throughout the year and eventually studied abroad in Italy together. Among the beautiful streets on Florence, we observed how the Italians did it. They went to the market daily and cooked with whole foods. This is where it really all began for me. I’d have to say, the Summer of 2009 is where I really fell in love with lattes and gelato.
Anyways, Lin is the type of friend who brings positivity, excitement, and passion to every situation. She’s a good one to have and to keep! Here’s a photo of us during a cooking class we took in Florence…

These pancake were made with wild raspberries that we picked at the river house and oat flour, which was ground down from oatmeal. They are dense pancakes, but till delicious!
So here’s how yah make em…
First grind the oats down to flour in a coffee grinder or small food processor. If you desperate, a magic bullet will work perfectly fine! (I’ve done it)

Then, mix together oat flour, baking powder, raspberries, milk, and honey together in a bowl. With a fork, mash the raspberries.

This is what your batter will look like before you make your oatcakes on the griddle.

Then, using a 1/4C scoop, scoop the batter onto the griddle and cook on medium heat for about 4 minutes on each side.

Wild Raspberry Oatcakes
- 1.5C oatmeal (ground down to oat flour)
- 1/2C milk (I used vanilla rice milk)
- 1/2C water
- 1 extra large egg
- 1/4t baking powder
- vanilla extract, Splash
- 3-4T honey
- ~3/4C wild raspberries, crushed
Toppings: Vanilla Nonfat CHO, raspberries, and blueberries

Like I said, these are very dense. I would have added some GF flour to fluff them up, but I didn’t have any, so I improvised

These also would have been tasty topped with some nut butter and shredded unsweetened coconut!

They even look good vintage…