If you are in the mood to A) sweat B) get your heart rate pumpin’ and C) work those buns…then I have the Circuit Workout for you! The sister called me the other day and gave me this awesome series of exercises she came up with. Considering I am doing the 20 Day Holiday Workout Challenge, I decided to give it a try.
Lower Body Circuit Workout
1. 10 burpees
2. 30 frog squats
3. 15 squats + 10 lb medicine ball
4. 15 lunges (on each leg) + arm exercise (bicep curls, hammer curls, lunch trays, triceps)
5. 60-seconds jump rope
6. 50 abs
7. 15 leg raises (on each leg) with 8 lb. weight
8. 10 pushups
*rest 30 seconds*
So, before I did this circuit workout, I warmed up with 10 minutes on the stair-stepper. I turned it to the “Fat Burner” setting, which is really just set to intervals. I try and do anywhere between 10-20 minutes of cardio before any sort of strength workout to get my heart rate up there a little bit and to loosen up my muscles.
About this circuit…I was feeling good through the 1st and 2nd time through and then I really started to feel it in my gluts and butt by the 3rd and 4th sets. Burpees kill me and frog squats make me want to cry. BUT, I can definitely feel it the next day…which = a successful workout in my mind. It took me a little over 30 minutes to complete. What I like about this is that you do not stop. It’s BOOM BOOM BOOM. I also like the variation. It gives me something to look forward too (as opposed to running 4 miles on a treadmill, that gets kind of boring).
I need to start incorporating more of these into my weekly workouts. What are your thoughts on circuit workouts?
Anyways, I wanted to show you guys what I made my friends this year for Christmukkah. I am a sucker for homemade gifts, so this year that is just what I did! One of my goals is obviously to spread the love of oatmeal, so I present you with….Overnight Oats in a Mason Jar
Overnight Oats in a Mason Jar
What’s in the jar?
-1/2C Quick Cooking Oatmeal
-1/2T chia seeds
-1/2t cinnamon
-1T chopped walnuts
-2T raisins/craisins
What to do with the jar?
1. Add 1 Cup of water or milk, then stir.
2. Place in the refrigerator over night.
3. In the AM you can either eat it as is, or pop it in the microwave for a minute or so.
*Serve with sliced banana and nut butter.
This really is the perfect Lee gift, no?
It was inexpensive, delicious, and YOU GET TO KEEP THE MASON JAR
I don’t know about you, but I would be ecstatic if I recieved a gift like this one. Even though this wasn’t the most expensive gift idea, it was from the heart and that’s all that matters.
I am off to Milwaukee in the AM!. Catcha in Packer-ville.
What are your thoughts on Circuit Workouts?
What is the best homemade gift you ever received/made?