Lone behold…Almond Quinoa Chews!

The texture is a little interesting. Next time I make these, I am going to double the amount of almonds I use so they aren’t so soft. I threw this batch in the freezer to harden then up a bit. Plus…everything tastes better cold!

Apparently quinoa turns white when it freezes. I promise…I used cooked quinoa, not raw!

One thing that I’ve been trying to do lately is eat real food. I’ve taken my “eat everything in moderation” motto to the extreme this summer. Traveling can really take a toll on your eating habits. Sometimes you’re stuck eating out for multiple meals a day and then you just feel like blah.

It’s time for me to start eating more real, whole foods again. LIKE ALMONDS!

Almonds are a great snack food and I’ve been adding them in everything lately. Like this recipe for example! They are delicious, filling, and packed with healthy fats.

Mmm. Delish.

What is your favorite whole food snack food?