Well hello there fellow tornado survivors. How do you do?
For those of you who don’t live in the Midwest and didn’t weather the 120-tornado storm we saw over the weekend, that’s what kind of crazy things we deal with here in the plains. So not to brag, but, we’re kinda hardcore. (remember when I saw one last year, too? Yeah, seriously rad)
A tornado even swept right up through Wichita where I live, narrowly missing my neighborhood by a mere 3 miles. THREE miles. And although minimal damage was done – thank God – I technically did survive it. So, in a way, you’re talking to kind of a big deal right now.
Not a big deal, but also, kind of a big deal.
One of the things I did on Survivor Sunday was bake.
After being cooped up in the house all Saturday night at the potential threat of a 3/4 mile wide twister devastating my town, I was dying to get out and get some fresh air. Or, get to baking. You know, same thing. You’re a foodie – you get it.
And bake I did.
I made homemade vanilla ice cream.
And ice cream tartelettes.
And cheerio breakfast bars.
And, these cookies – which are probably the best things I’ve made in a while seeing that I’ve eaten 5 today alone.
What you should know about these here cookies is that they’re healthy.
They contain no butter, minimal sugar, and are entirely vegan.
And, they are seriously, stinking, ridiculously delicious.
I was inspired to try these cookies after seeing versions of them pop up all over Pinterest claiming to be the ultimate breakfast cookie with no butter, no sugar, and practically no sin. A cookie with no sin? Bless me, I gotta have it.
Like a true baker I tested the batter with a healthy finger full and a lick. Don’t worry ma – no eggs.
At first, I was a little skeptical that they wouldn’t bind, wouldn’t rise, wouldn’t taste like a cookie.
But after 15 minutes in the oven these ugly ducklings turned into beautiful swans, a.k.a. the best dang healthy cookie I’ve ever had.
Here’s the deal. The main ingredients are simple: banana, maple syrup, peanut butter, coconut oil, vanilla, oats, flour and chocolate chips. That’s about it!
Does it get more simple than that? Or more healthy when it comes to dessert? I think not, and not.
Their texture is moist and a little dense.
The banana and peanut butter work well together but neither are overpowering.
The oats add a nice healthy, texture-y touch.
With each bite, they remind me of a thick slice of chocolate chip banana bread.
And the chocolate chips are where it’s at.
I mean seriously. Chocolate lovers unite!
Sorry to hold you to the last minute, but you’ll find the recipe over at Diets In Review today.
And while you’re there, feel free to lurk around and check out my some of my articles.
That’s what I would do if I were you and bored at work. See, I’m looking out for you. What are friends for!?
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