Oh hey black bags under my eyes. You can leave nowwwwww! This girl hasn’t been getting enough sleep and my body is slowly, but surely letting me know… I think I have the flu :/ You know when your body just aches? Blerggggg.
I’ve been going to bed way later than normal and waking up at the crack-o-down. I think I’m just in over my head with my schedule lately. Today, I decided negatory on the workout, hoping that a day off would help with a little rejuvenation of my mind, body, and soul. I know taking a day off is perfectly healthy. Our bodies need rest, but sometimes I have weird/awkward exercise guilt…More on that after we talk food
Recipe alert.
Yes, it is another oatmeal recipe. But: considering all of the amazinglyawesome feedback I have been getting on my oats, I figured one more recipes wouldn’t hurt
Chocolate Banana Oats
-1/5C rolled oats
-1/5C oat bran
-1T chia seeds
-1/2 banana
-1T cocoa
-1/3C almond milk
-1C water
*Toppins: 1/2 sliced nanner, peanut flour sauce, a bloob of almond butter, and way too many raisins.
This tasted like chocolate dipped frozen bananas. Minus the frozen. I wish I would have enjoyed it more :/ My appetite is obsolete and my taste buds are off balanced. I’ve have never once…”not finished” my oats (sorry for the double negative) and today I really had to push myself to clear my bowl.
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Anyways, I was directed by Mama Hersh not to blog tonight and to go right to bed! I am going to try and finish up by 8:00PM sharp so I can get some snooze. *I may or may not already be in bed with the lights off…
Exercise Gilt
For me, exercise is my stress reliever. It makes me feel energized and I love the adrenaline rush after an intense interval workout; I love it. Sometimes, I can be way too hard on myself on rest-days. A weird anxiety lurks in my mind about the fact that I didn’t workout. It’s not because I’m worried about the whole “burnage” of calories or that I’m going to gain weight, but it’s almost like my day is incomplete without it.
This may sound a little bit funny, but I also feel like EVERYONE knows I skipped. Really Lee?
#1: What gives?? Who cares what anyone else thinks?
#2: I don’t think it is realistic at all, for anyone who is a full time student/professional, to workout 7 days a week. (For both physical and mental health reasons!)
#3: If I don’t have time, I don’t have time. Exercise should be enjoyable and if I’m just going to rush through a workout, what’s the point?
#4 I should embrace my off-day. Once I decide I’m taking off and the decision is made, don’t turn back. Enjoy the day
Erg, I could go on but the clock is a-tickin’. I told myself 8:00 PM, so 8:00 it is. I hope I feel better by the AM, I have a presentation manana en espanol!
How many days a week do you exercise?
Do you ever have exercise guilt?