I’ve been hit with the “I don’t feel like going to class” bug. I’m just not motivated. I don’t particularly enjoy writing papers or taking quizzes..much less walking 2 miles to class in sub-zero weather. However, I do like learning. If only I could just listen and not participate or do any additional work. I may or may not be blogging while in class right now…
Okay I need to get a grip and stop complaining. I think it’s this weather though. I’m really just craving some sunshine and a warm breeze? Maybe an April shower. Heck, I’d take anything above 32 degrees at this point.
Anyways. On to some good eats I originally planned on making hummus, inspired Chef Katelyn, but then I realized I didn’t have half the ingredients. Back to the drawing board. What can I make with garbanzo beans that is creative, filling, and delicious?
soup? nah…
salad? mmm nope.
Remember when you were a kid…”Mom we have NO food.” That’s how I felt today.
I rummaged through my cabinets and fridge and just wasn’t feelin’ anything I found. And then. I did the unthinkable..I opened the freezer.
Okay I’m really bad at trying to make a story sound suspenseful…but anyways, I forgot I bought some frozen salmon filets which I realized would be perfect paired with garbanzo beans to make some homemade salmon bean burgers.
This is what I came up with…
Not bad for a spontaneous recipe.
Salmon Bean Burgies
- Makes 4 hockey puck sized patties: serves 2
- 3/4C garbanzo beans, canned
- 1/4C cooked quinoa
- 4 oz. steamed salmon
- 1T egg whites
- spices: garlic salt, cumin
Directions: In a medium sized bowl, mash together all ingredients. You may need to add a bit more egg white depending on how well your mixture is holding together. Separate mixture into 4 patties, packing each one together in the palm of your hands. Next, heat ~1/2T olive oil on medium heat in a medium sized sauce pan and saute you patties for about 2 minutes per side.

Mr. Aged Balsamic topped off my Salmon Bean Burgies. Nothing but perfection ladies and gents.

I love mixing sweet and salty. Aged balsamic vinegar is very sweet and much thicker than the normal balsamic vinegar. I heard you can even use this stuff to top fruit and ice cream!
Hokey Doke. It’s time for me to listen. I’m really bad at multitasking.
What is your go-to meal when you “have no food?”
How do you stay engaged with school or work?