Browsing: Salad

Got 30 minutes? Make this delicious Chicken Chop Salad with Homemade Creamy Honey Mustard Dressing for a quick and easy dish to bring on game day or eat during the week for dinner!    Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut. WHYYY does that song get stuck in my head on repeat? It’s the worst

Bacon…bacon bits…ranch dressing…cobb salad…‘Merica. Wow, my mind is clearly a little foggy. Today was just one of those days for me. It started when I accidentally dropped my freshly washed organic gala apple in the garbage; which I might have picked out and washed again had I been at home but this happened at work.

Weekday nights are so rushed for dinner so I try to make the easiest dinners possible. I had no intention of blogging my dinner tonight but I came up with a new creation I just couldn’t resist sharing. I love LOVE love all of “Annie’s Naturals” organic salad dressings and I found one that tastes

A healthy salad recipe filled with all the flavors and textures. One of my favorites! Happy Friday to you! Readers, I bring you my new favorite salad. It’s protein packed, a smorgasbord of flavor, and some serious filling power. This was one of those recipes that my starving self threw together with what I had on