Browsing: Cookies

posted by Lee Hersh December 3, 2011 Dear Quaker Oats, I love you. Sincerely, Lee PS: I also think that the recipe you provide on the oatmeal box is GENIUS. These cookies turned out soft and chewy on the inside, with the most amazing crunch on the outside. I did however, make a few changes

 mini chocolate chip cookie sandwiches if you are looking for a crowd pleaser, look no further! these mini chocolate chip cookie sandwiches, stuffed with cream cheese frosting and rolled into colorful sprinkles, are the perfect bringalong to any kind of get together. not only are they adorably festive (roll them in different colored sprrinkles for

i have 3 incredible variations of chocolate chip cookies to share this week! i’m excited to start them off with these babies. these aren’t just any old chocolate chip cookies. they are stuffed with snickers. looks certainly are deceiving. i got the idea from Averie over at love veggies and yoga to stuff chopped snickers bar

Slightly soft in the center, crisp edges and perfectly spiced with your classic holiday flavors. This is my favorite recipe for gingerbread men that hold their shape! FRIYAY. You’ve made it. Give yourself a pat on the back. Have any fun plans for this weekend? We’re heading up to the mountains with some friends and the dogs.

These soft-baked cookies are a cross between chocolate chip cookies and your favorite cake filled with sprinkles! I’m baaaaaaack with another cookie to add to your cookie jar! My love for classic homemade chocolate chip cookies is always there, but sometimes you want to kick it up a notch. If it isn’t the incredible chewiness

Operation take good and make it even better. Kicking my favorite chocolate chip cookies up a notch with brown butter. Hey Wednesday! Another day, another cookie recipe. But you see these cookies here? They are anything but ordinary. The King of all cookies. I present you a thick and chewy cookie filled with a nutty