And here I am. Wide awake, not even 8 AM.
For breakfast I thought about making something creative. If only my oven wasn’t broken When in doubt, banana oatmeal!!
Banana Oatmeal
- 1/5 C old fashioned oatmeal
- 2 T oat bran
- 1 small sliced nanner
- 1/2 t chia seeds
- ~1 C water (I’ve never actually measured)
- 1 T PB Flour Sauce
- 1/2 T peanut butter
- raisins
*I should have taken my own advice and stayed FAR FAR away from Target considering the amount of stress I have been under. I got this cool ceramic bowl and placemat last night to spruce up my picture taking
Back to my oats. I’m telling you, there is nothing like stove top oats and I am really starting to miss them. So creamy, fluffy, satisfying. Microwaved oats are good, don’t get me wrong. They are just a lot chewier and the oats don’t expand so it seems like you have less.
I have a full day ahead of me –> workout, work, homework. Oh yah, and avoid the gigantic snow storm we are suppose to get today. They are saying 8 inches, starting at 1 PM. Is it summer yet??
Happy Friday Foodies!
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