The MAI 2013 Spring Collection was finally released! I can now start sharing some of the AMAZING photos from the shoot I was in with them a few weeks back. Here are a few that I pulled from IG. I’ll post more of the professional photos once I get my hands on them!

Today is a pretty chill day. I am going to do some cardio and lift, think more about this whole Shark Tank thing because I am not sure if the timing is right to present a business that is really only an idea, AND go shopping for Blake’s Birthday/Mother’s Day.

VZW Voices Update

It’s been way too long since I gave you an update on my new device given to me by Verizon. It’s been a little tough for me to boggle two phones because I like everything to be in one place. My personal phone is an iphone5 and my carrier is Sprint. The one I have through the Verizon Blogger Program is a Razor HD.

Let’s go over my favorite part of the phone/service and my least favorite part of the phone/service THUS FAR.

Favorite: Hands down is the hotspot. I am just amazed at this service in genearl. You can literally be anywhere that there is cell phone service and get wifi to any other device. A few weeks ago Blake and I went into his office that has very secure wifi and I couldn’t get on. No fear, I whipped out my phone and connected my laptop to the 4G LTE I was picking up. ZING.

Least Favorite: I’ve noticed that in general I get a lot better coverage with Verizon, but I think my house is a dead zone. I get absolutely 0 service. Blake and I both have Sprint and found that the only way to get service inside our house was to get an external antenna that we put right next to our patio door. This has seemed to fix the Sprint problem, but not the Verizon problem. I need to see if Verizon provides the same (free) service that Sprint does, and get myself an antenna so that I can get some service!

Oh! I almost forgot. I am more than obsessed with my Fitbit. I have an internal competition with myself to see if I can get more steps in than the day before. I am really wowed at by how little steps I get in during the week day EVEN when i workout, compared to on the weekends when I am GO GO GO.

“Disclosure: I am participating in the Verizon Health and Fitness Voices program and have been provided  with a wireless device and six months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product.”