I present you- a green smoothie that doesn’t taste green.
I’ve been LOVING green smoothies lately. It took me almost 2 years to drink them and like them. The greenness just freaked me out…even thought you can’t even taste the spinach…at all!
I cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye, promise you that this tastes exactly like peanut butter heaven.
Quote me, go ahead.
I made this smoothie at my parent’s house last week while I was in Cleveland, and I couldn’t for the life of me find the blender…but I did find this hand held gadget that worked like a charm.
I think I want one now.
It ground through ice, no problem. Now- that’s heavy duty.
So- In the mix you have nanner, sweetened almond milk, peanut butter, whole peanuts that are salted (because it tastes better that way), and some ice. Note- you can omit the ice if your nanner is frozen, but mine was fresh- so ice it was.
So green and peanut buttery.
You could totally make this exact same recipe with-
cashew butter and cashews
almond butter almonds
sun butter and sun flower seeds
Why the heck not. It’s such a great way to get your greens and healthy fats all in one.