Healthy breakfast

Loaded Banana Quinoa Porridge

Loaded Banana Quinoa Porridge

Thank the lordie today is Friday. This girl needs to catch up on some sleep! Although, I did go to bed at 9:30 last night. Don’t judge, sleep is one of the best things I can give my body!I decided I am going to start devoting my Friday posts to a combination of exercise and food. My Friday workouts are usually spontaneous and and creative because I have more time than usual. Before I get into my workout, lets talk food.

My post workout fuel was something new this morning! (Remember my post on change?) Over Spring Break, my mom and I stopped at an awesome health food store called Health Hut in Milwaukee. They had an amazing bulk section, I was very impressed. This is where I discovered…Quinoa Flakes!

This morning’s grub was something I like to call Loaded Banana Quinoa Porridge. 

Loaded Banana Quinoa Porridge

  • 1/3C quinoa flakes
  • 1T chia seeds
  • 1/2 large banana
  • 1/4C vanilla almond milk
  • 1C water

This is what my breakfast looked like pre-toppings…chia-y, banana-y, fluffy, yummy.

And after….I “loaded” this deliciously nutty porridge with peanut flour sauce, unsalted sunflower seeds, unsweetened coconut, and a big bloob of almond butter. [not pictured = raisins].

Well, that was tasty; a nice change up from my typical rolled oat/oat bran combo too. Have you ever had quinoa flakes.

….and now…..Let’s change the subject to Fit Friday.

The sister and I were at the gym by 8:30 this morning, fully equipped with camera in hand. I want to apologize in advance for this next photo. I advise that you grab your sunglasses because I may blind you with the paleness of my skin…

I absolutely love the gym I go to here in Minneapolis. Anytime Fitness is convenient, clean, and affordable! Not to mention there are over 1,000 chain outlets across the United States, so I can pretty much travel anywhere I want and have access to a gym!

Stop and Go Express Workout


1 mile @ 6 mph


– 15 bur-pees –


1 mile @ 7 mph


– 15 bur-pees –


1 mile @ 8 mph


Here’s an action shot of me doing a Bur-Pee, courtesy of the sister. Good thing there were only a few other people at the gym this morning. [I only got a handful of weird looks]

and out in just a little over 45 minutes. A great workout + Banana Quinoa Porridge = Definitely a solid way to start my Friday.

Links to other Fit Foodie Finds workouts

Cheers to the weekend!


What is your favorite day of the week?

Did you exercise today? If so, what was your workout?

Would you rather….Be rich with an unhappy job? or make less money with a job you love?

See more healthy recipes

Lee Hersh

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