
Full Body Chair Workout plus5 Ways to Inspire Your Active Life in 2023

Full Body Chair Workout

Happy workout Thursday, frands! Today I am here with my first ever sponsored workout, so a HUGE thank you to FFF partner, Lorna Jane! I first heard of Lorna Jane two years ago through FitFluential and have LOVED their clothes and brand ever since. Until recently, I had to order clothes online because they did not have any stores in the Midwest…HOWEVER, I was at Dick’s the other day and what do I see? LJ!!! Boom sauce.

Along with my awesome outfit featured in the workout, LJ sent me their 2015 Move Nourish Believe Diary, which doubles as a planner and triples with TONS of motivation and inspiration to live a healthy lifestyle. If you’re looking for a 2015 planner, this one rocks! It’s hard cover with both week and monthly pages for you to keep track of your life in. It’s even got some beautifully photographed recipes

The MNB journal got me thinking about easy things I can do this year to help me live healthy and most importantly, happy.  

5 Ways To Inspire Your Active Life in 2023

  1. Go to Bed Happy, Wake Up Happy: This may sound like a no brainer, but for me the last thoughts I have before I go to bed really impact how good of sleep I get. The better the sleep I get the happier I am. Am I right or am I right? So in 2015, I’m going to start thinking happy thoughts before bed in hopes to wake up with a slight smile on my face every morning.
  2. Sweat Every Day: This year I started planning out my workouts at the beginning of the week. That way, I can stay accountable during the work week. I used to stop and drop a workout in the middle of the day, but I found that really disrupted my work flow. I’ve shifted most of my workouts to be at night, which has been great! I’ve been consistent with 5 days a week of sweating and 1 day dedicated to yoga.
  3. Nourish Your Body: A lot of people get this perception that because I run a healthy food blog, my nutrition is exceptional. Well guys- I am human. I love sweets, chocolate, gummy candy, and cereal. While I try and live the 80/20 rule, sometimes it’s more like 70/30. Cereal for dinner is not okay! In 2015, I am pledging to eat veggies in at least 2 meals each day and to take the time to meal prep for Blake and I so that laziness is no excuse!
  4. Be Adventurous: I’ve lived a lot of my life very conservatively and 2015 is the year I’m going to step outside of my comfort zone and live a little! This includes being more spontaneous, travel, staying out later, and being more spontaneous (I know I said this one twice, but I’m really working on it!).
  5. Indulge: What would life be without a little indulging? Red wine, chocolate, and ice cream….they make me happy! Happiness is an integral part of health, so why not be happy and healthy at the same time!

I’d love to hear ways you guys plan to live your active life in 2023!

Now,onto this workout! Recently, I’ve taken a few barre and pilates classes. You guys, IT’S HARD! I am so used to explosive movements, and barre has really helped me step outside of my comfort zone.

And get a 6 pack.

Not quite 

Anyways, this workout is barre inspired! It’s an at-home workout where all you need is a chair, a large space, and a pillow! Check it out…

Before I break down what each move is, I wanted to make a note that if it say 2 rounds, that means you do 1 minute on the left leg and then 1 minute on the right leg. Capiche?

Full-Body Chair Workout

Do each exercise for 1 minute with no breaks in between. Beginner = 1 round, Intermediate =  2 rounds, and Advanced = 3 rounds. 

  • Lunge – Step Up – Glute Lift (Do left side then right side): Begin in a scissor stance with the left leg in front. Inhale to lower down into a 90/90 lunge and exhale to stand back up. Step onto the chair with your right leg. Hinge forward and lift your right leg up into airplane pose. Step back down with your right leg and back into a scissor stance with your left leg. Repeat.
  • Wide-Arm Incline Push-Up: Begin with feet hip-width apart on the chair. Walk your hands out so that your back is flat and butt is down. With shoulders directly over wrists, lower down half way (on the inhale), leading with your chest. On the exhale, press back up. Repeat. Modification- bring knees to the ground.
  • Bodyweight Tricep Dip: Place hands on the edge of the chair with your hands pointing outward. Feel should be hip-width apart. Inhale lower down half way, squeezing shoulders together and exhale press yourself back up. The further away your feet are form the chair, the more difficult it with be.
  • Assisted Single Leg Squat (Do left side then right side): Begin standing on your left leg, with your right leg propped up on the chair (this is just for support). On the inhale, bend your left leg, keeping weight in your heels, and lowering down. Make sure to sit BACK, keeping your knee stacked over your ankle. Touch the ground with your hand. On the exhale, stand back up. Repeat.
  • Elevated Plank: Begin with feel hip-width apart on the chair. Walk your hands out so that your back is flat and butt is down. Keep your shoulders directly over your wrists and protect your neck and lower back by keeping a long spine, no sinking in the hips or dropping your neck!
  • Crab – Booty Tap: Begin in a crab stance with your feet hip-width, resting on the chair. Place hands shoulder-width apart with your fingers facing forward. Inhale to lift your hips up and exhale to tap your boot on the floor. Repeat. Note: Keep your arms straight and core engaged. you should feel this in your hammies.
  • Heels Up – Leg Lift (Do left side then right side): Stand hip-width with your hands on the back of the chair. Come on to your left leg and lift your heel off the ground. Engage your core and glutes and lift and lower your right leg with a 4 count. 4 seconds up and 4 seconds down. Repeat.
  • Heels Up – Chair Squat: Stand with your feet together and your hands on the back of the chair. Rock up onto your toes, lifting your heels off the floor. Inhale to lower down on a 4 count and exhale to come back up on a 4 count. As you stand back up, come into a calf raise and squeeze your glutes and quads. Repeat.
  • Scissor Kicks: Begin sitting on the edge of your chair. Lean back, engaging your core, keeping your chest up and back flat. Lift feet off the ground, point toes, and scissor kick your legs. Option to place hands on the side of the chair or bring to heart center for more of a challenge.
  • Heels Up – Hip Flexor Lift (Do left side then right side): Stand with the back of the chair to your left. Place your left hand on the chair and come to stand on your left leg with your heel up. Inhale to lift your right leg on a 4 count (keep foot flexed) and exhale to place it back down on the mat on a 4 count. Repeat.
  • Heels Up – Squat – In-and-Out Pulses: Place a pillow between your thighs, bring feet a little narrower than hip-width, and place your hands on the back of the chair. Rock up onto your toes, lifting your heels off the floor. Lower down about half way keeping your chest lifted. Pulse your thighs open and closed, squeezing the pillow.

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Lorna Jane.

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Lee Hersh

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Lee Hersh

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