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eatin’ oats & takin’ notes

Miss me?

Yah, yah, you don’t have to tell me! But really, I’ve missed you! This whole “I’m sick” shin-dig really isn’t my thing. I’ve been taking naps like its my job…but no worries I am back to good ol’ Lee Eatin’ oats and takin’ notes <——Wish I would have thought of that line when i was trying to come up with a blog name!

Anywho, one of the reasons I have been MIA is because I had a little accident with the lap top. I may or may not have wiped down the keyboard with a clorox wipe. Apparently that’s a no no? My keyboard completely stopped functioning. Paper due tomorrow at noon = DISASTER! I had to rush her to the E.R…aka the Apple Store. Good thing she only needed $125.00 worth of repairs. No fear…Apple Care! Which, btw runs out in t minus 20 days! I lucked out on that one

Now that my appetite has returned in full force, I am hannnngry! I threw together a fabulous little recipe to hold me over between meals. Only 3 ingredients! Almonds. Maple Syrup. Cinnamon. Shizam.

Maple Toasted Almonds

-1.5C raw almonds

-2T maple syrup

-1/4t cinnamon 


1. Place almonds, maple syrup, and cinnamon in a small food processor.

2. Pulse 5 or 6 times to fully coat your almonds and to partially chop them. (you could also coat your almonds by mixing the ingredients together with a bowl with a wooden spoon)

3. Cover a cookie sheet with tin foil and evenly spread out your almond mixture.

4. Using a toaster oven, toast your almonds for 5 minutes. Shake your almonds around and put back in for another 5 or 6 minutes.

5. Let cool before removing.

Watch out, these guys are addicting. They remind me of the Wisconsin State Fair. O0ooo sweet summertime I can not wait for you! They also made a great topping to my oats.

I think I’m going to have to go for round 2 on that breakfast ASAP. It really hit the spot. The saltiness of of peanut butter mixed with the sweetness of the maple almonds. Per.fection.

Are you a Mac or a PC?

I am thinking about switching over to WordPress, thoughts? tips?

Lee Hersh

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